Technical Presentations

As the world’s premier airfield lighting Technology Meeting, professionals from around the world gather to present information on numerous topics pertaining to airfield lighting. A broad range of topics will be presented at this year’s IESALC Technology Meeting, including technical presentations and group discussions pertaining to many of the following topics:

Effective airfield electrical construction methods
Visual enhancements to airfield lighting
Energy savings for ramp lighting
Solid State Lighting, LED technology
Latest technologies for airfield lighting equipment
Updates from FAA Officials on changes to procurement requirements, Advisory Circulars and FAA Technical Center Research
Maintenance techniques for airfield lighting systems
Airfield lighting safety
National Electrical Code applications
Real world LED lighting test programs
eVTOL and aircraft facilities
Developing airfield engineering/maintenance/construction talent
New lighting and NAVAID technology

If you are interested in presenting a technical paper at the Fall 2024 IESALC Technology Meeting, please contact:


If you would like to be a Session Moderator, please contact:


Countdown to Conference!